Your Family
Talk to them about your ideas. If they go to any meetings about you they can ask for an interpreter if they don't speak English all the time. They will not be as worried if they know that everything that happens to you has been planned carefully.
Your Friends
People who know you well might have good ideas about what would suit you. Older friends might tell you about what happened to them and give you some new ideas. You might learn from their mistakes too!
Your Teachers
People who have worked with you at school will know all the things you are good at and what your interests have been.
Your Health Workers
People who have supported you because of any health problem you have will be able to say what might be difficult for you and make suggestions on help to get over them.
Your Social Workers
People who might have supported you and your family to get the best help with your daily life. They should also know about moving on from children's to adult services.