Transition Plan

If you come from a 'BME community' you might find the time that you move to being an adult difficult. Perhaps the people who are supposed to help you do not understand your religion and your way of life. They might not speak the same language as your family.

Your family might not know about all the chances you have. They might have strong ideas about what is best for you. They will be worried about what is going to happen to you.

This can make you feel even more worried.

If you get good information it should help you get over some of these problems.

All this information needs to be put together for you. This is called a Transition Plan.

It should start when you are in Year 9 or when you are 14 years old. Don't worry if your plan hasn't started. Planning can be at any time but the longer time you have is best?

The people who help you with your Transition Plan should be people who know you and understand what you want.

This document was last modified on 2005-06-27 16:13:12.