If someone is hurting you or hurting someone you know


Produced by the charity Childline this website provides information to both children and adults on issues of concern to children.

It includes factsheets about different kinds of abuse, bullying, bereavement, peer pressure, and stepfamilies. Includes free downloadable citizenship, personal and social development and pastoral care teaching pack.

The Childline helpline is free on: 0800 1111.


Kidscape is a registered charity that aims to keep children safe from harm or abuse. The site includes advice for young people and parents who are being bullied as well as publications and leaflets produced by the organisation.


Produced by the NSPCC, the site aims to provide news and information on NSPCC campaigns. The NSPCC website has a Kids Zone which contains details of their child protection helpline for young people who have problems at home or are being bullied.

There is also a children's website at There 4 Me

Child protection helpline: 0800 800 500

Freephone 24 hours a day Textphone: 0800 056 0566

This document was last modified on 2007-09-15 12:28:31.