New Articles for Moving On Update


Event – NASEN & TES Special Needs London Exhibition 2008

Moving On Up by the Association for Real Change (ARC) will be an exhibitor at the NASEN & TES Special Needs Exhibition in London 2008.

The exhibition is open from 9:30AM to 5:00PM on Friday 17th & Saturday 18th October, at Business Design Centre, Islington, London

For more information and to book a place as a visitor go to the exhibition website.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Any questions about this event please contact Simon Nieder or Pam Smith at ARC

100% pure

The only exhibition in London this Autumn term focusing purely on special educational needs.

100% innovative

The FREE special needs teaching resources exhibition provides the opportunity to view the latest product and service developments from over 130 Special Education Needs suppliers. You'll be able to compare, test and purchase what's on offer.

100% inspiring

A programme of professional development seminar sessions covering all areas of the curriculum.

100% informative

Keep abreast of advances being made within ICT in our Special needs IT feature area. Within the main seminar programme there is also a series of seminar sessions looking at how you can incorporate ICT into your everyday teaching.

100% refreshing

With so much on offer we're sure you'll find a wealth of fresh, exciting and creative special education resources and suggestions for classroom activities and lesson plan ideas – in fact everything you need for the new academic year!

100% accessible

This document was last modified on 2008-09-18 10:48:03.