Going away to college

Going to residential college

You can go to college in a new town and live there. This is called Residential College. It can be great to get away from your family or carers and it is a grown up and independent move. There is a chance to meet new friends, learn new skills and live with people your own age and maybe with your interests. Remember it’s not a big holiday you are there to learn and as much as home might drive you crazy sometimes you will miss everyone!

There are different types of residential college. Some focus on basic skills – what you do every day and how to help you to be as independent as you can be. Some are based round an interest for example, horses and lots of your lessons include looking after animals. Always go and have a look at the college before signing up. They all look fab on paper but will you like it when you get there?

If you do go to residential college you will get help with paying for it but you will not get your DLA anymore – see our money section or get in touch with SKILL for more information.

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This document was last modified on 2009-04-20 09:45:18.