Person centred planning

Social Worker

This means finding the right fit

You wouldn’t buy a pair of shoes if they didn’t fit would you? Well finding the right mix of activities to help you be as independent as possible is just as important. Don’t worry, it’s not all up to you. Through your transition people will have been looking at what you do best and seeing how to help you make the best of it. When you start at your day centre this will carry on.

You will have a key worker who will help you decide what activities are best for you. Be careful! It is easy to pick the things you know you can do well and enjoy. Try and pick things you have never done before or things that do not come easily to you as well.

It all adds up to making you more independent and more able for yourself and out in the community.

Check out this factsheet on day services for people with learning disabilities, or visit their website:

This document was last modified on 2009-04-20 09:09:45.