Helpful Groups (4)

Committee for Children UK

Produced by the Committee for Children charity the site aims to show resources for professionals in the UK wishing to support young people in the development of their social emotional skills.

These programmes are designed to be delivered to children, mainly in schools, by a range of professionals. In addition to the programmes there are examples of UK schools using Second Step and information about Social Emotional Learning (SEL).

Department for Education and Skills on mental health

Features Promoting Children's Mental Health within Early Years and School Settings, a guidance document to help teachers and others, working alongside mental health professionals, to promote children's mental health and to intervene effectively with those children experiencing problems.

Depression Alliance

Depression Alliance is a UK charity for people affected by depression. This website contains information about the symptoms of depression, treatments for depression, as well as Depression Alliance campaigns and local groups.

This document was last modified on 2007-09-15 12:15:19.